Monday, January 3, 2011

7 Weeks Post-Op

So in 7 weeks I have lost 37.2lbs and total since I started this journey I have lost 45lbs (9 weeks)!! WOOHOO!!!  I have NEVER lost that much weight that fast! YAY!  I still feel GREAT and everyday am happy that I chose to have surgery! 

We have been gone for the last couple of weeks on vacation in Nebraska and it's been very interesting.  I have learned for sure that I don't want bread (maybe a piece of toast with PB here and there) but no bread.  I ate one hushpuppie from LJS and OMG my poor tummy was SO FULL!  I actually went out to eat A LOT while traveling and it was different, way different then before.  Just the amount of food is HUGELY different but also the taste of the food is different.  We went to my "favorite" fast food taco place in Lincoln, Amigo's, and it wasn't as good any more :( 

I also started to eat a lot of other foods such as chicken and it was GOOD!! LOL  It's still difficult to find foods that I'll eat or can eat enough of that have protein in them but I'm still learning.

A really bad part was that I didn't get in my protein each day :(  I had all the stuff to make protein drinks but I just couldn't force myself to do it :(  I'm SICK of protein drinks already but I know that I need it and it will help me lose the weight!  I just want to find something to actually eat with more protein in it!

I saw the doctor a few weeks ago before I left and had all my blood work drawn but I haven't heard back yet if I need anything else!  I have been really bad about taking my vitamin so I also need to make myself do that so that I don't become low on anything if I'm not already!

All in all though, things are going AWESOME!  I LOVE my Sleeve and everyday I become happier and happier with the new me!


  1. Congrats! That is a huge accomplishment

  2. I'm proud of you! I think I'm ready to get a referral for a WL surgeon myself...

  3. That is awesome!! Love reading how you are doing!
