Sunday, December 5, 2010

3 Weeks (tomorrow)

So I'll be 3 weeks post-op tomorrow and I really feel Great!  I'm up to eating 1/4 C of whatever (pureed chili, pudding, jello, eggs w/ cheese, oatmeal) and I can drink a lot more at one time instead of the tiny little sips!  I've finally got myself into tracking my food again so I can see where I sit with calories (shooting for 700-800 day) and protein (shooting for 50-60g a day)!  My weight loss isn't much on the scale still (will know for sure tomorrow) and I'm pretty sure I maybe only lost a pound again this week but I know my body is still adjusting from the trama it's been through!  I really wish I would have taken measurements before surgery though because OMG You can tell my tummy has shrunk A LOT!  My pants literally fell off me today! LOL  I know that I need to weigh a certain amount to show on paper that I am healthy but what really matters to me is how my clothes fit and how I feel in my own body and with losing inches that is happening!!  I haven't worn my "hold me ins" since I had surgery!!  That is HUGE, I wouldn't leave the house without them in years!

I am looking forward to introducing some more foods into my diet this week as I progress onto the next stage of foods!   When I met with my NUT she said that I could actually progress faster if I felt my body could handle it so we'll see how it goes!  As long as I'm good to go I do what to be on solids by the time we leave on Christmas break!  Hopefully that'll make it easier to eat while on the road! LOL  This week I am going to put potatos on my menu and some fish! 

My incisions are healing nice but they still ITCH!!!  I finally figured it out that because of this I will never wear my belly ring again :(  The cut right through it, up and down! I've had that since I was SIXTEEN!!!!!  It's not like I'll be showing my belly to anyone with all the stretch marks anyways but still, it was sentimental! LOL

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