Monday, December 13, 2010

4 weeks Post-Op

4 weeks ago today I had my surgery and wow what a difference does 4 weeks make!  I FEEL GREAT!!!  I have lost a total of 27lbs since Nov. 1st and droped a pant and shirt size!  I am able to eat more then before and even though I'm not actuall on FULL solids I'm close enough!  I have protein drinks for breakfast and lunch (because I can't drink a whole one just at breakfast) a couple of snacks such as cheese or pudding and then dinners like meat and a veggie and usually a bite of a starch but I don't usually have much room!  I'm eating about an ounce of meat and 2T of veggies!!  My energy level is pretty good most days and we've been going to the gym at least three days a week!!  All my incisions seem to be healing really good and I can't wait to meet with the doctor this week to see what she says!  I have my support group tomorrow and I'm super excited to see if any of the other ladies have had their surgeries yet and see how they are feeling!  I know this is still just the begining of my journey but if it all goes this well throughout my whole journey I will not complain!!!

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