Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Well I got the endoscope done today and all is good!  Doc said that I don't have a large hiatal hernia like we thought but I might have a small one and/or the reason why I'm having such bad heartburn is because I have a VERY LARGE stomach??!!  Well yeah, I can see I have a very large stomach! LOL  No, really, the doctor said it a few times that I have a large stomach so I guess that just means she gets to take more of it out in less then two weeks! YAY!!  Otherwise it seems like everything is fine!  They did do a biopsy though to make sure there is not bacterial infection in there.  She did say that she found a polyp (or polyps, I'm not sure if it was multipule or not) which I guess isn't too big of a deal and it could have been caused because I have been taking prilosec for so many years! 

I'm feeling pretty good!  Don't remember a thing from the procedure and waking up was easy and I actually haven't gone back to sleep!  I did however, lay back and watch a movie, it was nice!!  I've also been doing some work since I still have a few things that need to be done and then to make sure I get everything done before I'm really out of commission for a bit!

I think the worst part of the day (besides that right now my throat HURTS SO BAD) is the IVs!! OMG They were trying to kill me! LOL  First the nurse tried in my left hand and she had to SEARCH for it (which HURTS) and once she had it, it rolled :(  OUCH!  Okay so that is a no go, she tried to see if she could find another vein and finally said, nope we will let the anesthesiologist do it!  When he came in he beat me up by hitting all my veins over and over again until he figured to try my left arm (between wrist and elbow) and again, once hooked up the line, bye bye vein! UGH!  So then he finally got one with a smaller cath in the bend of my right elbow and had to leave the cath half way out so he had to tape it like crazy!!  OUCH when pulling that off!  Come one, I have super hairy arms!!!!

All and all it was an easy procedure and I will live!!  Now I just can't wait to get things moving towards my new life!!!

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