Monday, July 25, 2011


So I know I have physcially changed with the weight loss, it's right there, very apparent that I have lost a lot of weight (unless you are just meeting me) but what isn't right there in your face is the change that has happened on the inside.  I can say that yes I am the same person I have always been but it is really different.  Self-confidence does a lot of things to people in good and bad ways.  When I was heavy I was really good about putting a "face" on and making people believe that I was self-confident but deep down inside I really wasn't.  Now with the weight loss I have been becoming more and more self-confident and I know it shows in the clothes I wear, how I carry myself and my just over all demeanor.  SO I got a strange idea that with all of this change I should change my looks even more and I cut off all my hair!  This was HUGE for me.  I have had the same hair style my WHOLE life and have always been too scared to do anything different.  So here I sit with a "new" body and a new haircut and now I am starting to feel not so confident anymore!  I know that doing something this drastic with my hair is going to take time to get used to so I am trying to be paient! It's so crazy that I can go from feeling so great about myself to not feel so great about myself!  I keep telling myself that yes it is a lot of what I feel about myself but also how my husband feels about me and he swears he LOVES my haircut and he wants me to keep my hair super short from here on out!  I am a whole new person and I do feel that this hair cut shows that!

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